68 research outputs found

    Coherent Radiative Parton Energy Loss beyond the BDMPS-Z Limit

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    It is widely accepted that a phenomenologically viable theory of jet quenching for heavy ion collisions requires the understanding of medium-induced parton energy loss beyond the limit of eikonal kinematics formulated by Baier-Dokshitzer-Mueller-Peigne-Schiff and Zakharov (BDMPS-Z). Here, we supplement a recently developed exact Monte Carlo implementation of the BDMPS-Z formalism with elementary physical requirements including exact energy-momentum conservation, a refined formulation of jet-medium interactions and a treatment of all parton branchings on the same footing. We document the changes induced by these physical requirements and we describe their kinematic origin.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Medium-Induced Gluon Radiation off Massive Quarks Fills the Dead Cone

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    We calculate the transverse momentum dependence of the medium-induced gluon energy distribution radiated off massive quarks in spatially extended QCD matter. In the absence of a medium, the distribution shows a characteristic mass-dependent depletion of the gluon radiation for angles smaller than m/E, the so-called dead cone effect. Medium-modifications of this spectrum are calculated as a function of quark mass, initial quark energy, in-medium pathlength and density. Generically, medium-induced gluon radiation is found to fill the dead cone, but it is reduced at large gluon energies compared to the radiation off light quarks. We quantify the resulting mass-dependence for momentum-averaged quantities (gluon energy distribution and average parton energy loss), compare it to simple approximation schemes and discuss its observable consequences for nucleus-nucleus collisions at RHIC and LHC. In particular, our analysis does not favor the complete disappearance of energy loss effects from leading open charm spectra at RHIC.Comment: 27 pages LaTeX, 15 eps-figure

    Perturbative Saturation and the Soft Pomeron

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    We show that perturbation theory provides two distinct mechanisms for the power like growth of hadronic cross sections at high energy. One, the leading BFKL effect is due to the growth of the parton density, and is characterized by the leading BFKL exponent. The other mechanism is due to the infrared diffusion, or the long range nature of the Coulomb field of perturbatively massless gluons. When perturbative saturation effects are taken into account, the first mechanism is rendered ineffective but the second one persists. We suggest that these two distinct mechanisms are responsible for the appearance of two pomerons. The density growth effects are responsible for the hard pomeron and manifest themselves in small systems (e.g. gamma^* or small size fluctuations in the proton wave function) where saturation effects are not important. The soft pomeron is the manifestation of the exponential growth of the black saturated regions which appear in typical hadronic systems. We point out that the nonlinear generalization of the BFKL equation which takes into account wave function saturation effects ("pomeron loops") provides a well defined perturbative framework for the calculation of the soft pomeron intercept. The conjecture of a perturbative soft pomeron is consistent with picturing the proton as a loosely bound system of several small black regions corresponding e.g. to constituent quarks of size about 0.3 fm. Phenomenological implications of this picture are compatible with the main qualitative features of data on p-p scattering

    Measuring The Collective Flow With Jets

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    In nucleus--nucleus collisions, high-pT partons interact with a dense medium, which possesses strong collective flow components. Here, we demonstrate that the resulting medium-induced gluon radiation does not depend solely on the energy density of the medium, but also on the collective flow. Both components cannot be disentangled on the basis of leading hadron spectra, but the measurement of particle production associated to high-pT trigger particles, jet-like correlations and jets, allows for their independent characterization. In particular, we show that flow effects lead to a characteristic breaking of the rotational symmetry of the average jet energy and jet multiplicity distribution in the η×ϕ\eta \times \phi-plane. We argue that data on the medium-induced broadening of jet-like particle correlations in Au+Au collisions at RHIC provide a first evidence for a significant distortion of parton fragmentation due to the longitudinal collective flow.Comment: 4 pages, Latex, 3 eps-figure

    Low-pT Collective Flow Induces High-pT Jet Quenching

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    Data on low-pT hadronic spectra are widely regarded as evidence of a hydrodynamic expansion in nucleus-nucleus collisions. In this interpretation, different hadron species emerge from a common medium that has built up a strong collective velocity field. Here, we show that the existence of a collective flow field implies characteristic modifications of high-pT parton fragmentation. We generalize the formalism of parton energy loss to the case of flow-induced, oriented momentum transfer. We also discuss how to embed this calculation in hydrodynamic simulations. Flow effects are found to result generically in characteristic asymmetries in the eta-phi-plane of jet energy distributions and of multiplicity distributions associated to high-pT trigger particles. But collective flow also contributes to the medium-induced suppression of single inclusive high-pT hadron spectra. In particular, we find that low-pT elliptic flow can induce a sizeable additional contribution to the high-pT azimuthal asymmetry by selective elimination of those hard partons which propagate with significant inclination against the flow field. This reduces at least partially the recently observed problem that models of parton energy loss tend to underpredict the large azimuthal asymmetry v2 of high-pT hadronic spectra in semi-peripheral Au+Au collisions.Comment: 26 pages LaTeX, 11 eps-figure

    Testing the Color Charge and Mass Dependence of Parton Energy Loss with Heavy-to-light Ratios at RHIC and LHC

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    The ratio of nuclear modification factors of high-pT heavy-flavored mesons to light-flavored hadrons (``heavy-to-light ratio'') in nucleus-nucleus collisions tests the partonic mechanism expected to underlie jet quenching. Heavy-to-light ratios are mainly sensitive to the mass and color-charge dependences of medium-induced parton energy loss. Here, we assess the potential for identifying these two effects in D and B meson production at RHIC and at the LHC. To this end, we supplement the perturbative QCD factorized formalism for leading hadron production with radiative parton energy loss. For D meson spectra at high but experimentally accessible transverse momentum (10 < pT < 20 GeV) in Pb-Pb collisions at the LHC, we find that charm quarks behave essentially like light quarks. However, since light-flavored hadron yields are dominated by gluon parents, the heavy-to-light ratio of D mesons is a sensitive probe of the color charge dependence of parton energy loss. In contrast, due to the larger b quark mass, the medium modification of B mesons in the same kinematical regime provides a sensitive test of the mass dependence of parton energy loss. At RHIC energies, the strategies for identifying and disentangling the color charge and mass dependence of parton energy loss are more involved because of the smaller kinematical range accessible. We argue that at RHIC, the kinematical regime best suited for such an analysis of D mesons is 7 < pT < 12 GeV, whereas the study of lower transverse momenta is further complicated due to the known dominant contribution of additional, particle species dependent, non-perturbative effects.Comment: 21 pages RevTex, 9 Figure

    Turbulent fluctuations around Bjorken flow

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    We study the evolution of local event-by-event deviations from smooth average fluid dynamic fields, as they can arise in heavy ion collisions from the propagation of fluctuating initial conditions. Local fluctuations around Bjorken flow are found to be governed by non-linear equations whose solutions can be characterized qualitatively in terms of Reynolds numbers. Perturbations at different rapidities decouple quickly, and satisfy (after suitable coordinate transformations) an effectively two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equation of non-relativistic form. We discuss the conditions under which non-linearities in these equations cannot be neglected and turbulent behavior is expected to set in.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures - To appear in the conference proceedings for Quark Matter 2011, May 23 - May 28, Annecy, Franc

    Determining the BDMPS transport coefficient via medium-modified fragmentation functions

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    In nucleus-nucleus collisions at RHIC and LHC, partons produced at high transverse momentum can undergo multiple scattering within the collision region prior to fragmenting into hadrons. We have studied the resulting medium-modified fragmentation function based on a calculation of the BDMPS-Z medium-induced gluon radiation for a dense, expanding medium of small finite extension. Here we explain how the BDMPS transport coefficient which measures the energy density attained in the collision, can be extracted from the observed modification of high-pt hadroproduction. We also comment on the significant remaining uncertainties in extracting the transport coefficient from data.Comment: 4 pages, 4 postscript figures. Proceedings for Quark Matter 200

    The Loss and Return of the Villager Autonomy Right ----Legal Analysis on the Subject of the Villager Autonomy

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    摘要村民自治是中国农村治理范式的转变,是农民从追求平等到自主治理政治要求的体现。但是,由于宪法和法律在确定村民自治形式时是以规定村民委员会的职责为核心,对村民自治主体、自治权的范围、自治组织侵犯村民自治权和行政权侵蚀村民自治权的法律责任等皆未做明确的规定,这导致了村民自治在实践中未能规范化和依制度化运作,从而导致村民自治权被虚置,并且成为村民自治建设中一个突出的问题。为了解决这些问题,就要从法律角度对村民行使自治权过程中存在的问题进行探讨,分析村民自治权失落的原因,进而从自治主体、自治组织和权利救济三个方面解决问题。本文第一章通过对中国乡村自治的历史考察,提出村民自治是中国乡村治理范式的转变的...Abstract Villager autonomy is an administrant method in Chinese village. It embodies the villagers’ requirements of equity and self-government. Whereas, the form of villager autonomy provided in the Constitution and other relevant laws is nothing but the functions of villager committee. That is, such contents as the subject, scope and legal relief in case of the trespass on the villager au...学位:法律硕士院系专业:法学院法律系_宪法学和行政法学学号:X20020801

    Relating high-energy lepton-hadron, proton-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus collisions through geometric scaling

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    A characteristic feature of small-x lepton-proton data from HERA is geometric scaling -- the fact that over a wide range of x and Q^2 all data can be described by a single variable Q2/Qsat2(x)Q^2/Q_{sat}^2(x), with all x-dependence encoded in the so-called saturation momentum Qsat(x)Q_{sat}(x). Here, we observe that the same scaling ansatz accounts for nuclear photoabsorption cross sections and favors the nuclear dependence Qsat,A2AαQsat2Q_{sat,A}^2\propto A^{\alpha}Q_{sat}^2, α4/9\alpha \simeq 4/9. We then make the empirical finding that the same A-dependence accounts for the centrality evolution of the multiplicities measured in Au+Au collisions at RHIC. It also allows to parametrize the high-p_t particle suppression in d+Au collisions at forward rapidities. If these geometric scaling properties have a common dynamical origin, then this A-dependence of Qsat,A2Q_{sat,A}^2 should emerge as a consequence of the underlying dynamical model.Comment: 4 pages, 3 postscript figure